Basic steps to implement the Ken Burns Effect with SlideShowPro versions prior to 1.4.2
(For SlideShowPro 1.4.2 (and higher), click here for instructions.)

By Scott Knaub
Web Management Services

Last Revision: October 11, 2006

This tutorial is based on the following assumptions:
- you have Adobe Flash 8 (or greater) installed on your computer.
- you know how to create a slide show using the SlideShowPro component in Flash 8
- you know how to open the ActionScript panel in Flash 8

1. Download the Movieclip Tweening Prototype extension from here:

Here is a screen shot of a section of the download page at the time this tutorial was written:

Unzip this file to a directory on your computer.

2. Open Extension Manager:

3. Install the Movieclip Tweening Prototype extension using Extension Manager:

4. Open your slide show .fla file in Flash 8.

5. Set the Instance Name for your SlideShowPro component to "my_ssp".

6. In the timeline, make a new layer above the layer that contains your SlideShowPro component and name it "actions". Here's how my timeline looks:

7. Click on Frame 1 of your "actions" layer and paste the following code into the Actions panel for that frame:
// This script was found at:
// The original author's site is:
#include ""
import flash.display.BitmapData;
// taille de la photo d'origine
// redimensionnement maximum
// Durée totale du tweening
TWEENDURATION = my_ssp.imagePause + my_ssp.imageFade * 2;
// durée du fade
FADEDURATION = my_ssp.imagePause * 1000;
myListener = new Object ();
myListener.imageData = _imageData;
my_ssp.addEventListener ("imageData", myListener);
function _imageData (eventObject)
    if (my_ssp.displayMode == 'Auto')
        kenBurnsEffect ();
function kenBurnsEffect ()
    loader1 = _root.my_ssp.sspro_mc.cont_mc.loader1_mc;
    loader2 = _root.my_ssp.sspro_mc.cont_mc.loader2_mc;
    if (my_ssp.thisLoader == loader1)
        bitmapize (loader1);
        with (loader1)
            _xscale = ORIGINSCALE;
            _yscale = ORIGINSCALE;
            tween (['_xscale', '_yscale'], [DESTINATIONSCALE, DESTINATIONSCALE], TWEENDURATION, 'linear');
    else if (my_ssp.thisLoader == loader2)
        bitmapize (loader2);
        with (loader2)
            _xscale = DESTINATIONSCALE;
            _yscale = DESTINATIONSCALE;
            tween (['_xscale', '_yscale'], [ORIGINSCALE, ORIGINSCALE], TWEENDURATION, 'linear');
function bitmapize (imgContainer)
    myBitmap = new BitmapData (imgContainer._width, imgContainer._height, true, 0x00FFFFFF);
    myBitmap.draw (imgContainer);
    imgContainer.attachBitmap (myBitmap, 1, "auto", true);

8. In Publish Settings, on the Flash tab make sure the options are set as shown:

9. Save your changes.

10. Publish your movie.

When you view the movie, you should now see the Ken Burns Effect.